Join BMES!
General Informational Slides
How often are meetings?
Our general meetings are weekly on Wednesday nights from 7:30-8:30 pm in ETB 1034. Often we have companies come meet with us to discuss job opportunities. Additionally, we have socials and outreach meetings throughout the month. Come join us for free food and fun times!
How do I join?
Please connect on our social medias and join our GroupMe and email list. You can contact our treasurer at tamubmes.treasurer@tamu.edu about how our membership works.
I am a (freshman/sophomore) wanting to join BMES. Is this club only for upper-classman?
Our club is open to all classes at TAMU. We are aiming much of our program to include more freshman and sophomores. Please reach out to tamubmes.mentorship@gmail.com if you are interested in joining and want to learn about our mentorship program.